Frozen - DVD kick-off party! - LAURA'S little PARTY

Frozen - DVD kick-off party!

March 18, 2014

Raise your hand if you've ever had a Frozen song stuck in your head!
{I've got 2 hands up, and hubby is raising his hand as well}
This movie has become a phenomenon, to say the least.
I think it has taken the party world by "snow storm"!

My teenage daughter approached me a couple weeks ago about 
letting her have a Frozen party. My initial answer was, "no!"
Besides the fact that they've been created SO many times before,
I didn't feel I had the creative energy to put out a decent Frozen party.
I mean, it's Frozen, for Disney's sake! 

But, for being a party planner's daughter, she doesn't really ask for parties, 
{other than her birthday}.
So I reluctantly said, "yes" and created a Frozen DVD kick-off party!
My main goal was to keep it as simple, and as character free as possible,
while remaining true to the theme, and color scheme.
With the help of a few vendors, I think I successfully pulled it off.

Lots of fabric, colors of purple & blue, snowflakes, and sparkle!
I put together a couple tiered stands by using silver trays from Dollar Tree, and styrofoam balls.
I added pretty silver glitter around the rims of the trays, 
and hot glued the balls to help serve as a stand. 
Please note: they aren't very sturdy, but they stayed up long enough for pictures!
I made a matching ribbon garland for the front of the table, 
and added a purple glitter bow to finish it off.

I contacted Blanca from Creativities Galore, to see if she had any snowflake toppers.
I was so happy to get a picture of one that she could create for me.
They turned out so pretty!

I made a simple banner and used another line from a Frozen song. 
It went perfectly with an old door that I painted purple.
I thought it served as a fun element for my backdrop.

Next, I contacted Arlene from She wears the crown.
I showed her a style of snowflake cookie I liked, and she took care of the rest!

They even had a pretty shimmer to them! 

'Love is an open door' is such a cute song! 
I took a line from it, and made it into a sign! 
And of course, we had to have sandwiches to go with it!
The circle toppers are from Printabelle
You can find her {Free} Frozen printable set over a Catch my party.
It's so pretty!

Brandi from Painted & Sprinkled made these adorable Olaf cake pops!
I added polka dotted straws over the lollipop sticks, just for some added color.

I added lots of tissue paper snowflakes, and paper lanterns.

Swirled lollipops were pushed into a small styrofoam cone.
Purple tulle tide to each one, added that little something.

I filled push-up pop containers with candy, and added bottle labels to each.
You can also find these in Printabelle's Frozen printable set.

 So now we're going to enjoy our Frozen party treats,
and watch the movie again, for the 236th time!
I guess I'll just "Let it go" ;)

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  1. Your party turned out amazing, I hope your daughter loved it!

  2. Absolutely beautiful....I love these colors together :) fabulous job as always!!!!

  3. Amazing ideas. I am searching the web as I am helping with a Frozen party for two granddaughters! Thanks
